I suppose it’s time for an update seeing as I moved to Montréal over a week ago. The move went pretty smoothly for the most part. I arrived in Montréal after a lovely red eye flight. Can’t say I ever enjoy flying, but I suppose if I am going to fly I might as well sleep through the whole thing. I caved & took a cab to the apartment because I had far too much stuff to haul it across the city on the bus/métro.
After freshening up a bit it was IKEA time. I spent the next few hours taking the métro/bus out to IKEA, shopping for all the stuff I need, purchasing it & then finding a cab to haul it all back to my apartment. I then proceeded to lug all the boxes up to my apartment where I could finally assemble them. By the time Margaux got home that evening I was a sweaty mess & only a third of the way through assembling my drawers. She helped me finish that up & I had a lovely sleep on our giant (& extremely comfy) futon.
Since that hectic first day, I’ve fully assembled all of my IKEA furniture & my room actually resembles a room. I think it is really quite impressive. For the most part, I’ve spent my time getting settled & working at the YMCA here.
& wow, does this Y ever make me miss the good old Crowfoot YMCA. We’re not allowed to talk to each other on deck at this one. We do 20 minutes standing between the 2 pools, 20 min sitting at the deep end & 20 minutes “off”. & there are only ever 3 guards. If someone has to get in to teach, then there are 2 guards that stay on the whole time. It’s great. Oh CFY, how I miss you & how close we all were.

Crowfoot goodbye party at Earls
Margaux’s boyfriend, Mike, came up from Kingston last weekend for a visit. It was nice to get to meet him finally & hang out. We had Montréal smoked meat at Schwartz’s, he made us pasta & I think they had a really good weekend together.

waiting for our turn

smoked meat at Schwartz’s

the three of us enjoying our meal
Aside from a nice stroll in Mont Royal last Friday (where I got horribly lost in Westmount for a while & ended up on a 3 hour walk instead of a hour & a half) & a visit to the Atwater Market I haven’t had time to do much exploring yet. I work all this weekend, but I’m hoping to still get out a bit & then do some serious exploring next week. It’s time to really get to know this city I think!
view from Mont Royal
Atwater Market
Inside the Atwater Market
Change- that seems to be the theme of most of my posts. I guess that’s what happens when you decide to move all the time. I’ve always been okay with change & trying new things. & I think this year will certainly be full of new things & “firsts”.
new city, new apartment, new roommate, new friends, new job, new school(s), new language.
first real apartment, first long distance relationship, first line of credit…
I’m sure there will be more.
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