As the rest of the world is preparing for Spring, we’re just hoping Winter doesn’t last too much longer. Spring in Calgary is always a roller coaster of ridiculous weather. Last week the temperature literally changed by 30 degrees. Wednesday it was 12 above; Thursday it was 20 below. Yes, you read that right: 30 degree temperature change in
24 hours. March is one of our snowiest months, but I still go into it thinking “Hey, Spring is almost here!” Fool.
A few weekends ago, we started the weekend in the teens and finished with a full blown snow storm. It was classic Calgary. Luckily, the storm hit on a Sunday so most people could just stay in, wrapped in blankets, watching movies.
I, however, decided to venture out for a few provisions: namely fresh sourdough bread and artisan coffee. I figure that I drive a Subaru for just such occasions. Nothing gets in the way of me and food or coffee. Seriously. Don’t try.
I also decided that I’d make good on my promise to myself to use my SLR more often and take some photos. Our street is pretty gorgeous year round, but there’s just something about fresh snow that I love.
Of course, I started with some obligatory outfit photos. Flannel, Canada toques, leggings, and pink socks. I know, I’m such a fashionista.
By the time I was done taking photos of snow covered Rula and our street, I was covered in snow and I hadn’t even actually brushed any of it off my car. It’s a good thing N was at football; he’d never have put up with my taking pictures of my car instead of actually doing something about the snow covering it.
Rulala |
Our pretty street |
Sorels are the best! |
Driving was a bit of an adventure, but nothing too ridiculous. I slid around a fair bit heading to my destinations, but by the time I left Analog Coffee things are cleared up significantly and I had no trouble making it back home.
Mission Accmplished: Artisan Sourdough |
All in all, it was a pretty great Sunday. As much as I’d love to be enjoying patio beers and gearing up for Spring, sometimes a Winter snowstorm is just what you need to reboot. There’s something so relaxing and peaceful about watching the snow fall as you enjoy a delicious cup of coffee.
Thanks for keeping me safe, Ru! |
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