
If you’ve been following me on twitter, you’re probably aware that we got a puppy. I’m out in BC picking up this adorable little addition to our family. He is seriously such a sweetheart. He’s already won me over & I’ve only really known him for part of a day.

First meeting Odin

Meeting Odin

Mom & Odin

Mom & Odin

Mom & I drove out to Sorrento this morning to meet our little man. We’d heard about Notch Hill Labradoodles through friends of ours & so far we couldn’t be happier with our choice. We’re staying with my grandma out in Vernon for the first couple nights to get him used to being without his mom & siblings before making the drive back home.

Odin in his crate

Odin in his crate

Sleepy Odin

Sleepy Odin

I’m a little bit nervous about our first night together – it’s been a bit of an overwhelming day for all of us, but hopefully it goes relatively well tonight. So far, our little pup loves small spaces & lots of cuddles. He’s got lots of energy & is figuring out the whole collar & leash thing. His name with the breeder was no collar boy, so I think it was a pretty tough adjustment to suddenly have something around his neck.
Odin loves small spaces




He even wanted to jump into this bag! Silly boy!

Welcome to the family, little Odin! We love you so much already!