I just got home from my second dinner out in a row this week with Steph. Both meals have been so lovely…both for the company (Steph is swedish & the biggest sweetheart!) & the (cheap) delicious food! I shouldn’t be going out for dinner, but both nights together cost me a grand total of 20 euros…not bad, especially when it means getting to know new people.

Last night, I met her at Guillotière Metro & we went to Mendo. It’s this thai (esque) restaurant where the food is plentyful & the prices pretty low. I got Phat Thai, which they pronounce Fat Thai. It had 3 chili peppers next to it on the menu, but really wasn’t spicy & really wasn’t quite reminiscent of the Phat Thai I’d gotten used to on the streets of BKK. None-the-less it was nice to be out with Steph & her friend, Alex, having a nice little girls dinner. 
Today, I met Jamie at Part Dieu for some shopping. I bought a couple things at Bershka…& then we had lunch at Brioche Dorée. I headed off to work around 4 & got there super early…which turned out alright because I got to start 30 min early.  Then when I got off work, I had a text from Stephanie saying that her & Fatah were going for dinner at a place called l’épicerie on one of my favourite streets-rue mercière. She said it was cheap & I really like her & Fatah so I couldn’t help agreeing to meet up! Alex came along again too. The place itself was so cute. So french & so homey. The menu consisted mostly of tartines. Most were cold, with a couple warm ones thrown in as well. I got a warm one (of course) with pesto, tomatoes & melted cheese. There were lots of others that I’d love to try out & the best part-not at all expensive. The hot ones maxed out at 6e20 & then a desert was 3e80, which worked out to a perfect 10e meal! I had a cherry desert. I forget what it was called, but it was a great end to a great evening. 
I feel a bit guilty about my spendyness these last 2 days, but it’s been so great to get to know Steph better & try some new places in Lyon. So, I’m trying not to feel too bad seeing as Steph’ll be at home in Sweden all next week & I’ll go back to my normal spending habits before the spendyest month of all arrives:  visitors month…