Summer is by far my favourite season and it always seems to just fly by. It’s already half over and it feel like it only just began. We’ve got lots planned for August and September, but not nearly as much as we did for July. I’m kind of excited to just slow down a bit and enjoy this season. I’m looking forward to sitting outside on patios, having barbeques with friends, and enjoying the long days before they’re gone.

The end of this month has felt slightly out of control. Anyone who knows me know that I’m not a fan of feeling out of control. Work has been full of deadlines, I’ve been trying to cram long runs into already hectic weekends, and N has been away for work. I think the last one has been making life feel particularly hectic. N and I are a pretty good team and he’s been in Northern Saskatchewan for work since July 25. He’s there for at least another week. It reminds me of when we did long distance, except at the time I was used to doing everything on my own and now I’ve been spoiled by having the extra help. Anyway, it’s only another week so we’re almost back to everyday life.

Here’s what I got up to this month:
1. Started off July with a long weekend at the lake. Nothing more relaxing.
2. Stampede Parade kicked off one of my favourite weeks in the city! Enjoying the parade with my lovely co-worker.
3. Camping in Drumheller. The sunsets on the hills are unreal.
4. Spaghetti Western 2012: L and I enjoying our company party and the awesome sillybooth.
5. Weekend at Columbia Lake with N and some great friends for my birthday. D and I look related and it’s really weird.
6. Nothing beats a calm, hot day on the lake. Seriously.
7. Folk Festing. I finally attended a full day at CFMF. It was full of great music and shenanigans.
8. D and I in the beer gardens at Folk Fest.
9. I finally got my last wisdom tooth out. And I bit the bullet and did the ombre thing. Turns out I love it!

Here’s to a wonderful, hot, sunny, dry rest of the summer! Happy Long Weekend, everyone!