I’ve been meaning to post these photos for a while & got caught up in everything else going on lately. I guess that’s what happens when you’re juggling a full time job with wedding planning, writing, & a social life. 

Anyway, I stumbled across these when I opened up my iPhoto & thought now was a good a time as any to share them. In February, a bunch of us drove out to a friend’s place in the country to spend the night away from the city. It wasn’t a huge trip, but sometimes that’s all you need. A little escape to the country. 
We shared lots of food, played games, & drank beer. Not a bad way to spend a frigid Friday evening. Somehow the cold doesn’t seem nearly as bad when you’re relaxing with friends by a fire in the woods (& it really was ridiculously cold! So cold that not everyone’s cars were overly willing to start in the morning).