I’m definitely going to miss this part of my commute
Thinking about: our move. We found a house, wrote an offer, & are now moving in one week. After looking for a year, the actual buying process flew by once we found a house. Or maybe I should say, once I found a house.
N was up north, so I saw the house, made the decision we should buy it, wrote an offer with our agent, & then got all the deposits & everything ready. Literally no one else (including my parents) saw it except me. (Unless you count on snapchat, which you shouldn’t. Who buys a house based on snapchat videos?! We do, apparently.) Luckily N trusts me, & when he saw it for our inspection, he was happy with the choice. & now here we are. I’ve been feeling sentimental towards the little things I will miss, but excited about all the great things ahead. Until then, I’ve got a million lists in my head & packing on my mind.
Drinking: tea. I’ve been on a tea kick lately at work. I think because I was sick last week. At home, we’ve been drinking beer lately. I think we need a break from that though so I’m thinking about doing a whole 30 challenge after the move. (I’ve yet to tell N this…)
Reading:Le Petit Prince. I picked this book up as a placeholder gift for our anniversary. I’d ordered a wedding photo book, but it wasn’t going to arrive in time for our trip. When I finally stumbled upon a French copy, I knew I had to have it. A longtime favourite, I’d
translated a passage for our wedding ceremony, making it even more special to me. I only just started it last night, but so far I’m really enjoying reading in French (
being a children’s book, it’s an easy read if your French skills are a little rusty).
I also just received a few books I ordered online (
cuz who doesn’t need more stuff as you’re trying to pack up your condo). I bought
Paper Towns,
Looking for Alaska, &
Bringing Up Bébé. I’d like to cut back on the amount of TV I’m watching so I’m hoping these books help. I realize I just told the internet that I bought a book about raising children, but don’t get any ideas there. Seriously. I heard it was funny & the subject intrigues me. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Let me know if you have any other reading suggestions – I’m always looking for a good read.
Loving: Packing. Just kidding! Does anyone like packing?
This city! I’m volunteering for
Beakerhead this weekend & it’s been a great reminder of how much fun our city can be. Combining science, art, & engineering, this festival is a hands-on, citywide event with a little something for everyone. It culminates in a Saturday night street party. I love how this city totally embraces events like this & am so excited to be attending
(& volunteering!) this year!
Watching: Love it or List it. Excessively. I don’t know if it’s because we’re in this new house mode or what, but I marathon watch that every chance I get. It’s ridiculous & out of control. All the more reason to get into these new books!
How about you? What have you been up to? This post was inspired by Sometimes Sweet. Find previous Currently posts here.
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