WHOA lansi

francophile, oenophile, logophile, turophile

Author: whoalansi Page 22 of 35

Happy Birthday, dear friend

In an effort to make better use of my dSLR, I brought it out with me the other night for a friend’s birthday. I’m always a little nervous to bring it with me to a bar, but I’m trying to let go of that. What’s the point of having a camera if you’re too afraid to bring it out?

These pictures aren’t great. I was mostly playing. The bar was dimly lit & people were having too much fun to sit still for me. None-the-less, it was fun to play a little bit & the night itself was a lot of fun.

Happy Birthday, Kelli.

What’s going in my bag

We’re going on vacation: a week of sun & sand & shenanigans with our friends down in Mexico. I can’t wait to go barefoot every day & live in my bathing suit. It’s going to be grand.

We’ve still got some time before we leave, but I’ve started thinking about what I’m going to bring. I’ve packed for many a trip & usually leave it to the last minute. Yup, I’m often that person – the one frantically packing at the very last minute. I’ve forgotten many things while packing for trips, but it generally all works out in the end.

I thought it’d be fun to go over some of the things I love for a week in the sun. Who doesn’t like to see into people’s suitcases? (Or is it just me who is super nosey? No? Ok, good!). Here’s a few of the things I find necessary for a beach vacation.

1. Dresses. I’ve briefly touched on my dislike of pants. I wear dresses often, especially when it’s hot. A few cute, breezy dresses are a must for me on any trip.
2. Cute shorts and bathing suits. Duh. It’s hot & I don’t like pants. Shorts are a must. & bathing suits, of course. I have a little collection, but this one is brand new & it’s been a while since I’ve bought a brand new bathing suit. I’m excited. (& apparently I really love bright colours).
3. Plane wear. This usually consists of leggings, a comfy shirt, & a scarf for me. It’s versatile enough for the temperature jump in either direction.
4. Flip Flops. More specifically havaianas. They’re from Brazil and are my absolute favourite brand of flip flops ever. I don’t wear anything else. Don’t argue with me on this one: these are the best flippy floppies ever.
5. Comfy Runners. This year it’s Vans. Last year it was TOMS. Either way, something lightweight and comfortable for the plane or a day of touring around. (although, let’s be honest, will I ever take off my havs once we get there?)
6. Sunscreen. I don’t wear a ton of sunscreen, but I do have to be careful not to burn. It’s kind of a boring travel necessity. I like the sport brand cuz I’m sweaty.
7. Sunnies. Obs. These are just a cheap pair of knockoff Ray Bans.
8. Headbands. I love headbands. Who likes hair in their eyes? No one! Bondi Bands are my favourite, but Lululemon makes some cute ones too.
9. Passport. Super exciting, I know. It’s a passport. It’s Canadian. Enough said?
10. iPhone. I’ll probably bring my DSLR as well, but iPhone are handy for snapping quick photos. I used to bring along a little point and shoot until I realized my iPhone photos were about the same quality. I guess it’s either time for a better point and shoot or resign myself to iPhone photos.
11. Makeup. I don’t usually wear makeup at the beach, but I do like to put a bit on at night. My essentials include BB cream, Bobbi Brown Gel Liner, & mascara.
12. Books & Journals. I always pack a good book (I haven’t started this one yet, but I’ve heard good things. Fingers crossed!) & my journal. I love these Moleskine Journals & have been using them for years. It’s nice to be able to have some kind of record of trips, even if I just manage a couple entries.

Obviously, this isn’t everything I’ll be bringing with me, but a few things that will definitely be making it into my bag. Inevitably, I’m sure I’ll wind up with too many shoes (I’m still contemplating birkenstocks & a dressier pair) & more dresses than is ever necessary.

Now to get through a few more days of work. We’re in countdown mode at home & it’s making the time crawl.

Random Rants \ I do what I want

I’m often inspired by other blog posts and today is no exception. I bring you a post by Renegade Mothering today. (Before all the rumors start: no I am not having kids anytime soon. It’s just an interesting post!).

I think she hits the nail on the head with her post. You can apply what she’s saying to any choices you make in life. I hate being lumped into a group. I hate being told I need to be a certain way. I am the way I am, people!
“The SECOND you stick that label on my forehead is the SECOND I FALL DESPERATELY AND TERRIBLY SHORT and walk around feeling less than and like I’ve betrayed something. My people. My team.

See, these teams, they’re gonna want me to abide by principles. They’re gonna want me to be consistent – adhere to guidelines and tried-and-true methods. But I can’t. I just can’t. I’m a great starter. Terrible finisher. Profoundly inconsistent. Excellent intentions, invariably poor execution, particularly in critical […] moments.”

Could that be any more accurate? Is it just me or did that totally resonate with you too? Mostly, I find I feel this way when it comes to the way I eat. We did a couple paleo challenges last year, I read a lot of paleo blogs, and we still cook paleo-style meals most of the time. Am I paleo? Mmmm kind of? maybe? not really? I don’t know. I’ve started saying we eat Primal recently because it’s more forgiving than Paleo, & let’s be honest, I fall short of Paleo all the time.
At first, when people saw me drink a beer or have a treat, they’d be all “Is that Paleo beer?” and I’d roll my eyes. Yeah guys, I’m a genius & I found a way to make beer Paleo! There are no grains, sugar, or alcohol. (It’s water?) I’m sorry I failed you, paleo, but I’m so not sorry.
Do I feel awesome when I don’t eat grains, dairy, legumes, etc? Yes. Do I want to be on the Paleo Team? No.
I want to be on my own team. My team does whatever we want. We eat what we want and we deal with the consequences later. It works for me & mostly gives me the ability to keep my (in)sanity. (Oh I bet N’s reading this & thinking about all the chocolate he’s going to eat. That guy is a sugar fiend!!)
Does that mean I’m going to stop talking about how great Paleo can be? No. When I cook at home (which is 5/7 nights a week btw), I definitely choose gluten free/legume free meals. They’re easy, delicious, and make me feel good. So yeah, I’ll probably tell you the benefits of trying out a month-long challenge if you’re interested in hearing it. That doesn’t mean I’m part of the team. Cheat meals are the best, guys. Cheat meals save my life.
The same goes for the CrossFit Team or the Running Team or whatever other Team (get out of here, Swimming Team) you can think of that I’d possibly belong to. I don’t want your teams.
What I’m basically saying is that I want to take the parts of these teams that I like and apply them to my life however I see fit. (Don’t we all? Everything in moderation, including moderation, right?) I just don’t fit into a mould.
So here’s to the Soft Super Beef Taco and Mexi-fries I’m going to wholeheartedly enjoy tonight at Taco Time, friends. (Don’t judge me til you’ve had it.)
Welcome to Team Human.

New Year

I’ve been kind of putting this post off. Last year, I had it out in December. I was all prepared for 2013. I had my shit together last year, guys. This year, though. This year kind of snuck up on me. One minute, my wonderful boyfriend was down on one knee, asking me to marry him, & the next I swear it was New Years Eve. I swear that’s exactly how it happened.

I’ve said before that I believe in setting goals when you realize they need to be set instead of waiting for something like the New Year to take action. & I still believe that if I need to change something, that change should happen as soon as I realize it. That’s definitely something I try to live by, but like I said last year, it’s nice to look back on last year & decide what to do better this one.

Last year, I attempted to:

I can’t say I was entirely successful with any of these except maybe number three. We really don’t eat grains very often anymore. I’d say we’re usually 80% grain-free, 20% eat whatever we want. It’s a good balance, if you ask me, & something I’d like to continue. I’m still often very hard on myself when we do slip up, but I want to put it in writing: we did well, friends.

I wasn’t entirely unsuccessful with the other goals. There were months where I really did follow our budget better. & overall I think I’ve cut my shopping spending a lot. There were also times when we opted to have friends over instead of going out. I think we made an overall improvement there too. & there were times when I chose to be more appreciative & tolerant. That one is probably the biggest one I need to work on though. I promise to try, N. I promise.

With that in mind, here are my 2014 New Years Resolutions. (drum roll, please).

I think these are four challenging, but very achievable goals for me this year.

I generally try to be more specific with goals, but I made an exception with the first one. I think we’ve got a pretty good handle on our health (of course, as I write this I’m a bit sniffly). We weren’t sick often this year & when I was I could usually pinpoint why. Fitness Friday is still going strong & I’ve been making workouts, in & out of the gym, a priority. I’m not going to a CrossFit box like I would like to be, but I’m still making strides when it comes to my Fitness goals & that’s a good place to be. (I will master a handstand this year. It’s coming!)

This second goal probably seems odd to those who know me or follow my instagram. I do take a lot of photos. But I want to be more conscious of the photos I’m taking & make a better effort to use my DSLR. I’m trying to shoot primarily with my 35 mm lens. I like it so much better than my kit lens. I want to try to take more photos with it & not fall back on my zoom lens just because it’s easier. It’s time to challenge myself a bit with photography.

I’ve blogged way more this year than any other year & I couldn’t be happier about that, but I haven’t been actually, physically writing. Whenever I’ve lived abroad or travelled, I’ve kept a journal & writing in it – the physical act of writing things down – has always been very therapeutic for me. I’d like to get back to that. (& I’m starting today – my journal is currently in my purse!). Instead of mindlessly checking Facebook or Twitter in my downtime, I’d like to get back to writing.

This last one is a big one for me, & I think it’s a good one for this year. Too often I get pessimistic & over dramatic & let things bother me. I forget that this is a choice I make & that I can choose happiness instead. I’ve let myself forget to choose to be happy too often. I’ve let myself get carried away by the negative what-ifs & that’s not the person I want to be. As much as I’d like to be able to control every little aspect of my life, I can’t. There is so much that I cannot control. But, I can control how I react to things. & I can choose to be happy. This is largely inspired by the fact that we’re planning a wedding & wedding planning is notoriously stressful. This essay was another huge inspiration (thank you for that, Natalie. I don’t even know you for real, but thank you). I’m going to make this one happen.

So let’s go, 2014. Bring it on. I’m so ready for all the wonderful things you have in store for me.

Photo by 3haus Photographics


The new year is in full swing. We’re back at work & I’m finally getting back into our routines. Even though I had plenty of time to edit photos last week, they sat on my camera until tonight when I realized it was about time I posted about Christmas!

I don’t have a whole lot to say. We had a lovely Christmas; we got crazy spoiled as always. N & I spent Christmas Eve until Boxing Day at hiss parents house this year: eating everything from lobster & chowder to turkey & stuffing. We went skating, taught his siblings a new board game, & watched lots of movies.

After N finished work on Boxing Day we loaded up the car & headed out to Columbia Valley. We stayed overnight with a friend of mine in Invermere so we could ski Panorama in the morning. I always enjoy staying in Invermere overnight; the drive up to Panorama is so quick. Not to mention we were served a lovely breakfast & coffee before hitting the slopes. My girlfriend has this great new place near the lake & we weren’t in a huge rush to get up the mountain so we took our time catching up over eggs, bacon, & hashbrowns.

The skiing itself was pretty good – nothing spectacular, but nothing to complain about for December either. That night we headed out to my parents’ place further down the valley. My dad make his incredible pizza & we exchanged gifts with my family. The rest of the weekend was spent enjoying the country: skating, relaxing, reading, & enjoying each other’s company.

It was great to spend time with each of our families & get away from the city for a bit. It always feels like a bit of a holiday even if it’s just for a couple days.

Happy New Year all!

December in Instagram

It’s been a bit of a slower month for blog posts, but I think overall I’ve been more consistent than ever before. It wasn’t a real resolution to post more, but I did mention that it was a goal for this year and I think I can successfully check that one off. My other resolutions were a little more hit or mess, but I’ll talk about that more when I make this years’.

Like all years, this one has its ups and downs. When I think back though, there were so many great moments. It’s hard to trump our engagement, but we also made some great memories in the states, spent lots of time out at the lake and in the mountains, and ate our way around the city. I can’t complain. Thanks, 2013. I think 2014 should be a pretty great year too. We’re off to Mexico at the end of January, we’re getting married this summer, and we’ve got plans for a pretty fantastic honeymoon. I hope you all can look back on 2013 with a smile and I wish you all the joy and happiness for this brand new year. Here’s a little recap of what December looked like for us.

1. N participated in Movember again this year. It was his best mustache showing to date, but he still looked like a bit of a creep at the end.
2. N’s family dog, Lucky, celebrated his 15th birthday. They let him lick the icing off a cupcake. When you’re 105, you get to do whatever you want.
3. KC & I at the hockey game. It was me & the boys that night. Things got rowdy, as all hockey games should.
4. Fitness at work continued. We did a squat challenge this month & sometimes these types of ridiculous outfits make an appearance. Always need to be prepared for squats.
5. My company Christmas party was a blast. We had the best time and took a lot of great photobooth photos.
6. The snow this December has been pretty great so far. We spent the weekend before Christmas in Banff- skiing, drinking, snowshoeing, and hitting the hot springs.
7. We stayed in Calgary for Christmas this year and spent the holidays with N’s family at their house. His mom’s fireplace is just adorable.
8. Skating on Christmas Day with family and friends.
9. We skied Panorama after Christmas and then headed out to spend some time with my family in the Columbia Valley. It was beautiful!

See you in 2014, blog friends! Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas

Christmas has arrived! We’re working out last few hours before packing it in for a few days. N & I are spending Christmas with his family this year & then heading out to the Columbia Valley to spend the weekend with my family. It promises to be a wonderful week filled with family, friends, and food! Sounds more or less perfect to me!

I just wanted to take a minute to wish all those of you who read this little blog from time to time a very Merry Christmas – filled with family, friends, and all your wonderful Christmas traditions. I am very grateful to all of those who stop by, letting me share a little bit of my life with you. It’s been a great year of blogging for me & I’m looking forward to an even better 2014.

Meilleurs vœux pour un Noël plein de joies et une nouvelle année remplie de bonheur,

A & N

(PS. Just some of my favourite silly photos from my work’s Christmas Party. I have great friends & coworkers!)

Living Abroad \ Travel Young, Travel Old, Travel Often

Raleigh Beach, Thailand

“We are what we repeatedly do,” Aristotle once said. While I don’t want to sound all gloom-and-doom, and I believe your life can turn around at any moment, there is an important lesson here: life is a result of intentional habits. So I decided to do the things that were most important to me first, not last. – Jeff Goins

This article was circulating around a while back and it really hit home for me. You hear comments about it so often and the hardest part of travelling or living abroad is letting go of all the reasons not to. The older I get, the harder it is to take that leap: quit my job, leave my friends, spend my savings globetrotting. That’s not to say it wasn’t hard to do when I was younger though either. It’s not easy to pick up your whole life and move to another country, especially one where you don’t know anyone. Hell, it’s not even easy to move across your own country. It is worth it though.

Fete de Lumieres, Lyon

Traveling will change you like little else can. (JG)

I wholeheartedly believe this. I’ve seen it in myself and I’ve seen it in others. Travel most definitely changes you. I believe it changes you in the best way possible. If you’re struggling to take the plunge, stop. Travel will never be the wrong answer, especially if you’re young.

There has never been an instance where I truly regretted having travelled. Sure, there have been times when I’ve thought, “It’d sure be nice to have a downpayment for a house” or “It’d sure be nice to be further along in my career”. Yes, those things would be nice at this point in my life, but would I even want them if I hadn’t had the experiences I did? I don’t think I would. I think I’d still be yearning to live abroad.


Go now. That’s the best advice I can give you. Go before you’re too entrenched in whatever life you’re comfortably creating for yourself at home. Go before you decide you’re too old. Go before you regret not having gone.

It’s never too late to go travelling, but it will eventually feel that way. & you will eventually put other priorities first too many times. I firmly believe that it will only get harder the more you establish yourself. Maybe not financially, but in every other way. The longer you stay in one place the harder it is to leave.

So get out of here already. The only thing standing in your way are your excuses.

You can thank me later.


Game of Thrones. Still. I’ve been reading this forever and really need to finish it. Perhaps doing a currently post with motivate me to get back on the reading train. It’s embarrassing to post the same thing every time. I also have a subscription to Runner’s World so I monthly put books on the side burner to read my magazines. 

Love Actually, Home Alone. I’m trying to get into this the Christmas Spirit like everyone else. It’s not Christmas until I’ve seen Love Actually, It’s a Wonderful Life, and Miracle on 34th Street. N grew up with the 90s version of Miracle on 34th Street and I grew up with the original 1947 version. Personally, I can’t get into the newer version. Natalie Wood is the only Susan Walker in my world. 

I’ve tried to be creative with our meal plans lately instead of falling back to the same old recipes time after time. There’s been a fair bit of experimenting lately. I should also make some cookies again soon. I tested this recipe recently and I can’t even tell that they’re paleo. Win. I’ve started making my usual Christmas Cards. At least my lack of Christmas Spirit isn’t coupled with a lack of creativity? 

Ready to escape this winter weather. We’re finally out of the deep freeze for a bit, but I’m very ready for our trip to Mexico at the end of January. 

The next few weeks full of family and friends. We’ve got my Christmas Party, family dinners, cocktail parties, and a weekend in Banff coming up and then it’s Christmas. It should be a fun few weeks. 

Too much. All the time. & wishing I’d learn to stop overthinking everything all the time. Maybe someday I’ll actually get it. Until then I’ll be here, driving myself crazy with my hypothetical scenarios. 

Everything I know I shouldn’t eat. I think my body wants to add an extra layer of fat to keep me warm in these subzero temperatures. I’m especially craving anything involving melted cheese. Raclette and Poutine top the list. How French of me…

Things have felt off lately and I can’t quite put my finger on why and what to do about it. 

Pants. Way too often. I don’t particularly like wearing dress pants, but it’s been much too cold for dresses and tights lately so I’ve had to suck it up. I hope the temperatures rise a little bit so I can get back to my usual winter wear. 

Catching up 
On blog posts and taking pictures and posting. Maybe someday I’ll get this down? 

for the coffee obsessed

I know I just professed my love for Fratello Coffee Roasters yesterday, but this is a little different. I wasn’t kidding; it’s still my favourite coffee. & they make a beautiful cup of coffee, in my opinion. I’ve always been a latte or cappuccino girl (how can you go wrong with latte art?), but they make an amazing pour over as well. If you really love coffee, I highly recommend checking it out.

Fratello posted a lovely little video yesterday, which is what had me posting my love of both their cafe (Analog Coffee on 17th Avenue SW) and their coffee. I regularly convince N to grab a coffee there with me on the weekend. It was even one of my picks for our engagement session with 3Haus last month. (I’ll do a post about that lovely experience soon, I promise – here’s a couple teasers shots from Analog Coffee for now).

Source: 3Haus Photographics
Source: 3Haus Photographics

If Fratello were on my way to work in the morning, I would undoubtedly stop in from time to time. Sadly, my commute doesn’t venture anywhere near their lovely establishment. Luckily for me, Calgary’s got a pretty decent coffee scene so it’s not too upsetting (although I really wouldn’t protest if they happened to open up a cafe on the northeast side of the city…).

Enter deVille Coffee and their Nutella Latte. Yeah, you heard me right, Nutella Latte. Since leaving Starbucks a few years ago, I’ve lost my taste for anything overly sweet. When people get excited about Pumpkin Spice Lattes or whatever current Starbucks coffee craze (abomination) is going on now, all I can think is sugar. Much too sweet for me.

Nutella Lattes, however, are something I can get behind. The combination of a great coffee (deVille brews Intelligentsia Coffee from Chicago), steamed milk, and a bit of Nutella is a great way to start the day. Nutella is deliciously chocolatey without being overly sweet, so it’s the perfect treat for those of us who aren’t into super sugary coffee. (Now I know that Nutella also has a lot of sugar in it and is no more healthy than Starbucks in that regard. I just can’t stand coffee that doesn’t at least mildly taste like coffee and it seems like sbux gets more and more ridiculous every year.)

I once did the math on what I was spending per month and it completely turned me off buying coffee every morning. Even when I only spent $3 a day on coffee, it added up to almost $100 a month so I try not buy coffee on my way to work very often. With Calgary being so cold lately though, I’ve needed an extra little something in the morning, so I’ve been stopping in to deVille sometimes as I walk past.

I haven’t been able to get into Christmas yet (does that make me a terrible blogger? I feel like all the bloggers are super into the Christmas Spirit and I’m just not there yet. I tried watching Love Actually on Sunday night to get into the spirit, but that only last until Monday morning.), but I can definitely always get behind good coffee on a cold day.

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