Fall is officially here! As much as I love this season for fashion, I find myself hanging on to the last bits of summer: continuing to bike to work and refusing to give up on bare legs. Don’t get me wrong, I get the obsession with fall. I love pumpkin flavoured things (although my three-year stint at Starbucks has killed any desire to consume a Pumpkin Spice Latte) and I’ve spent most of today on my couch with a great cup of coffee, a book, and records playing in the background. It’s a wonderful time of year.

Unfortunately, Fall lasts only a short time in Alberta. Every year, it’s a reminder that #winteriscoming. (Yeah, I used a hashtag in my blog. I went there.) Winter will inevitably arrive well before I’m ready for it. Probably just as I’m really getting into the swing of all things fall, as it usually does. And then I’ll be all winter boots, tights with dresses, and pants. (Everyone who knows me probably also knows my disdain for pants. Maybe I’ll blog about it some day.) We’ll start fantasizing about when there’ll be enough snow to hit the mountains and praying for Chinooks.

So, Fall, as much as I do love you, I know you’re really just that super short season before winter. And, dammit, I’m just not ready for winter yet. I’m not ready to wake up in the morning and have to decide between Sorels or hiking boots for my walk to work. I’m not ready to have to remember to get up a bit earlier so I have time to put on tights and bundle up for my walk. I’m not ready for how short the days are going to get!

Did I really just essentially write three whole paragraphs about the weather? I’m sorry, bored blog readers!

I’m sure I’ve already done an outfit post where I wore some elements of this outfit. I suppose that speaks to how fashionable I am. Sorry guys, I do re-wear my clothes as I’m sure most people in the real world do. Is it just me or does it seem like bloggers never wear their clothes more than once? Maybe they’re just better at restyling things. Or maybe they pay more attention to what they’ve done in the past. Either way, that’s not really my reality.

My reality involves asking N as sweetly as I can muster if he minds taking a few photos of me for my blog as we’re heading out the door. He is most definitely not into photography but he’s a pretty good sport about it. So thanks once again for putting up with a mini photo shoot before going to the market, N.

Funny story about these photos. When I uploaded them to my computer, iPhoto tried to tag the faces in them (namely my face) and decided that I was a guy friend of ours, KG. I don’t know how I should feel about the fact that my iPhoto thinks my face is a male friend’s face. Probably not great. Also probably not something most people would post on their blog. You’re welcome, guys.

This may be the most random blog post I’ve written since I was about 16. Just to further the randomosity, here’s a ring photo. I’m kind of in love with it.