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Tag: calgary

Real Estate

Real Estate is something I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about lately. N and I hope to one day own a house and we’d like that day to be sooner than later, so we tend to pay a bit of attention to what is going on out there. Or at least we try to.

When my parents first moved to Calgary, they bought in the suburbs. It’s close to Dad’s office and to the airport. As he traveled more and more frequently, they came to appreciate this proximity.

At one time, however, they had looked at a lot in Crescent Heights. It was right at the end of Centre A St NW, beside Sunnyside Bank Park, with a view of all of downtown Calgary and the river valley.

Crescent Heights – Google Maps

It was amazing. The lot was listed at $250,000 so they decided against it. Instead Jim Shaw bought it and built an incredible house – a 10,000 square foot, hill-top mansion.

View of Downtown isn’t too bad – Calgary Herald
I think I could deal with this kitchen…maybe – Calgary Herald
I don’t think I could deal with this Downtown Hot Tub view – Calgary Herald

I walk by this house almost daily and it is currently for sale. The listed price? Only $11.5 million.

Check out the story in the Herald for more photos.  


Exciting news for me in the job world! Ok, so this isn’t exactly news since I started a week and a half ago, but I forgot to share. I’ve been with geoLOGIC Systems as a Customer Solutions Specialist for the last 8 months. Basically, my job was to answer phone calls about how to use our software and troubleshoot client issues.

In January, a position for Instructional Designer came up and I applied. We’re redesigning our training courses and the manuals that go with them. Turns out I got the job! I started the first week of February and it’s been great so far. The job itself is great. I get to edit and write as well as be a bit creative since it’s a redesign. Not only that, but there are so many little things about this job that are great. I no longer have a strictly set lunch hour. I’m also no longer tied to my desk and don’t have to check who is available before using the washroom or getting water. The freedom is unreal!

It took a couple days to transition out of solutions but I’m now moved into my new desk and mostly only working on stuff for my new position.

Challenge Accepted

I am a competitive person. Seriously competitive.

Back in July, I was doing a Burpee challenge with my CrossFit box: 50 burpees a day, every day. It was brutal, but by the end of the month I was so good at burpees. I wish I could have gone back to being that good at burpees this morning.

One of my coworkers and I did our 50 burpees at the office pretty often and one of our other coworkers, Emad, said that he could do 200 burpees. We obviously did not believe him. Who does 200 burpees? (Not me. Challenge not accepted.)

So yesterday, Emad decided he was going to talk about burpees again…and somehow challenged me to 50 burpees. I’m not one to say no to stuff like this. I mean, it’s not like I love burpees or something. I just hate losing. So, challenge accepted.

I walked in this morning, threw off my jacket, sweater, sorels, and hat, and said, “Let’s do this. 50 burpees.”

This is how it went down: Emad vs Alanna

Christmas Jingle

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas….

Actually! Finally! It’s less than a week until Christmas and I’m actually finally feeling in the spirit. People are handing out cards and chocolate, left, right, and center. We’re having a Christmas Pizza Party. My coworker is wearing a Christmas Sweater (UGLY Christmas Sweater). It’s freezing outside. I had my first eggnog last night (we were doing a month of paleo, so eggnog wasn’t so paleo friendly). I’ll be finishing up my shopping, wrapping my gifts, and making cards tonight. Hurrah!

Some Christmas ornaments we made a couple weeks ago!

In celebration of this, here’s some Christmassy music to enjoy at work.

Merry Christmas!


Moving forward

Outside our condo

I hung the first three pictures in our condo this week. After almost two months, I finally committed to three spots on the wall and hung my three little pictures from Paris. That’s more than I can say for my place in Montreal, so I’m taking this as progress. I really love the idea of decorating our place and making it ours, but I’m a bit of a perfectionist and putting holes in walls seems really permanent. What if I change my mind and want to move it? Obviously it’s possible to change things, and it’s really not a huge deal if things are not quite perfect, but I still have a hard time making a decision.

Decorating aside, I’m loving our place. It took us a long time to find it and I’m very glad we didn’t settle for something else. Our condo hunt began back in May and we looked at condo after condo online. It was hard to find much of anything in any of the neighbourhoods we wanted. When we did find somewhere we were interested in, we found out we were up against upwards of 25 other people for the place.

Mid-move mess

We finally got lucky and found this place and I’m pretty happy with it. It’s a two story walk up on a beautiful tree lined street in Crescent Heights. We’re a block from Rotary Park in one direction and a block from amazing brunch places in the other direction. I can walk to work easily. We can go running on the bike paths within a few minutes. 
Beautiful view from Rotary park 

 So far, we’re loving it. Between weddings, birthdays, and weekends away though, we’ve barely spent any time in our new place this summer. I’m definitely looking forward to winter, spending some time at home, and making our place our own.

New holes in the wall

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