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Tag: recap

February in Instagram

It’s that time again: Monthly Instagram Recap!

Follow me on Instagram @whoalansi

February was a short, action-packed month. We seemed to have something going on every weekend. Here’s a snapshot of what we got up to. 
1. A Superbowl weekend full of food: Girls Night Fondue Party, Brunch at Brasserie, and Superbowl at H’s parents’ house. 
2. Some gifted clothes from D. Feels like I went shopping! 
3. Made my parents a delicious, and mostly paleo, meal.
4. I finally found a maxi skirt that I like! Thanks, F21!
5. Drinks with my Valentine at National, followed by dinner at Ox & Angela.
6. Panorama with a little Bird.
7. Lazy Sunday walk on the lake with some swimming ladies.
8. Amazing lunch date at MARKET with H & D.
9. Catching up with old friends over fried chicken & waffles at Model Milk.

Big Taste is this week in Calgary and I’m really excited.”Calgary’s chefs are meeting foodie demands with new culinary creations, multi-course meals and set-menu dining just for the Big Taste. It only lasts for 10 days, so book your tables and bring your appetite.” (Downtown Calgary). There are 70 restaurants participating this year and I’ve planned downtownfood for lunch on Wednesday and Charcut with my family on Saturday night.

Ski season is wrapping up relatively soon and our next day is free, so I’m hoping we can get out this weekend or something. I don’t understand how this season went by so quickly. I really can’t complain about this winter at all.

How was your February? Anything exciting on the horizon for March?



Talk about down to the wire eh? I said I’d get my Christmas posts in before the end of February and here I am on February 28…
It took me a while to get to organizing my photos from Christmas this year. I even took far fewer than normal and still I could not find the spare time to sit down and edit them. I just can’t help but feeling I’m always sprinting from one thing to the next lately. It’s been nice to have some downtime to relax this winter. Once I learn to stop feeling guilty about taking a day off and being lazy, I’ll be set. (Will this ever happen?) Maybe that’s why I was so intent on posting something about Christmas and showing off some of the beauty of our time at the lake – it’s one of the few places that I can actually unwind and relax without the guilt. 
I caught up on my reading, went for walks every day,  ate a lot of food, and drank a lot of wine. It was glorious. 
Family Walks

N and I in the snowy driveway

Snowy Mountains

Christmas Day at the lake is the best. There is no one to wake you up at the crack of dawn, so we all sleep in a bit. When we finally do stir, we leisurely enjoy some coffee and a light breakfast. Mom pops some bubbly, adds a little juice, and we sit down to open presents.

Once the presents are opened, it’s brunch time. This usually involves a little more bubbly and lots of delicious food. My Nana made Christmas bread as usual. Not only is it delicious, but I think it’s totally gorgeous too.

We all settle down for a while (or if you’re me, go off for a 5 km run) before dinner prep begins. This year, my parents went non traditional (again) and made lamb. I think they’ve decided they’re done with two turkeys in the span of 3 months. If that means we have lamb instead, that’s perfectly fine by me.

N and I relaxing before dinner
delicious, delicious lamb

Spring begins in March, right? Good thing I got this winter blogging thing out of the way before the end of February then.


January in Instagram

Follow me on Instagram @whoalansi
January seems to have flown by. Maybe I’m just getting older, but time just flies. Will I ever get over this fact? I’m thinking no. I’m pretty excited about this Instagram Recap this month though. It took me no time at all to build this table. I’m getting so much better at this HTML code thing. So proud. On to the recaping.
1. M with me on New Years Eve. Always so happy to spend time with her when she’s in town!
2. We celebrated N’s sister’s Birthday on three occasions. This was the first. She was hilariously drunk and almost got kicked out of Ranchman’s. We also found it funny to refer to one another as SIL all evening.
3. Game nights are some of my favourites and we discovered a new awesome game called Quelf.
4. Weekend coffee and record shopping dates. I just love Analog Coffee and record hunts and spending time with N.
5. Skating with N at our local rink. This needs to happen more!
6. Andy Warhol exhibit with my parents. Much smaller than expected, but pretty cool anyway. We hit up UNA Pizza & Wine afterwards. Delicious.
7. Starbucks Ladies at R’s 19th Birthday.
8. More January Birthdays. We hit two that night. I’m a giant when I wear my 5 inch heels.
9. We’ve still been eating mostly paleo (more on the primal side now). I’ve even attempted some gluten free baking lately and it’s turned out lovely. These biscuits are delicious!
Happy February, blog friends!

December in Instagram

Welcome to 2013! I say this every year, but I can’t believe it’s a new year already. The whole year flew by and December was no exception. So much happened this month that it was hard to choose just 9 photos to represent 30 days! (I obviously have a photo problem.)

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and enjoyed the New Years Festivities! 2012 was great! Here’s to another great year in 2013! xoxo

Follow me on Instagram @whoalansi
1. Enjoying my first extra large pina colada on the strip in Vegas!
2. Las Vegas Half Marathon! So glad that both N and my dad decided to join me. It was an incredible run! Check one off the bucket list!
3. Getting dressed up, drinking margharitas, and celebrating finishing our Half Marathons in Vegas!
4. My coworkers decorated my desk for my return from Vegas. It is still decorated. It’s too awesome to take down.
5. We had a great time at my Company Christmas Party. Heather, Zevi, N, and I looking pretty beautiful.
6. First ski date of the season at Lake Louise. N is the best ski buddy!
7. Christmas Sweaters for a party night in Banff!
8. How many Adairs does it take to trim a tree? (3 + 1 de Boer!)
9. Christmas Day 5 km Run with N and my dad! It’s my Christmas Tradition.

November in Instagram

It’s pretty sad that my last post was October in Instagram. I really need to get better at this blogging thing. Now that we’re not running all the time, I should have more time for this. I hope. Is it just me, or do I say that all the time? Oh well, on to Instagram!

Follow me on Instagram @whoalansi

1. D and I being very matching and celebrating a couple of awesome November babies’ Birthdays!
2. I did a lot of running in the winter weather while training for Vegas. Typical evening run.
3. My parents got me new skis as a combined Birthday and Christmas present. I can’t wait to try them out!
4. Attending Stars and Metric. Nathan got me tickets for my Birthday. It was an amazing show.
5. Nathan and I decided to take on Paleo for a month. We haven’t been overly strict, but even so, it’s been great! This is one of my favourite go-to meals: Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wraps.
6. I got new glasses. I feel like such a hipster, but I absolutely love them (and let’s be honest, I’m kind of a hipster wannabe.)
7. Nathan’s Christmas Party was at the end of November. We looked pretty great, I’d say.
8. After getting lost in the Plus 15 walkways at least twice, I think I’ve finally found my way. I get so disoriented in tunnels and passages.
9. Enjoying drinks at the airport before we flew out to Vegas with my parents on November 31 to run the Vegas Rock and Roll Half Marathon with my Dad. (More on that later!)

Obviously December hasn’t been much quieter than any other month so far this year since I’m uploading these to my blog 12 days into the month. I have so much to talk about and so many photos to edit! I better get to work! Less instagram, more DSLR.

October in Instagram

Follow me on Instagram @whoalansi

I’ve seen this on a few blogs and thought it was a really cute idea since I love Instagram! Here’s a little recap of October in Instagram photos.

1) We went to three seperate thanksgiving dinners: one with friends, one with my family, and one with Nathan’s. I can do without turkey for a while now.
2) Accidental matching gloves after our attempt at hiking Squaw’s Tit. We’ll be back for you in June, Mountain!
3) I’ve been incorporating a lot more paleo into our lives. This is one of my favourite recipes from my Practical Paleo cookbook. Not only is it super easy, it’s also delicious. Try out Pumpkin Pancakes, you won’t regret it.
4) Finally had a housewarming and it went pretty well (beside my massive hangover the next day!). My parents even showed up!
5) Wine Fest with some good friends
6) Rewarding ourselves for not eating out much by eating out. Model Milk was both beautiful and delicious. Definitely worth it.
7) Getting back into CrossFit after a bit of a hiatus for running. Still happy with my WODs and my kipping pullups are coming. Stronger all time!
8) A Halloween kegger with awesome costumes.
9) Finished off the end of a very foggy and snowy month with a Feast in the East Food Truck Event. 

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