WHOA lansi

francophile, oenophile, logophile, turophile

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Journal Day \ seven

Do you use social media in your daily life? Do you think it adds to your relationships with others, or takes away from them? And furthermore, do you think social media adds more positive or negative to your life? Write about your relationship with social media, and talk a bit about how you got started, and what role it plays in your world.

Oh, social media. I feel like this topic comes up often in conversation. I use many different forms of it often: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. I was one of the first of my friends to get a Facebook account, after the American friends I met in France insisted I join so we could easily keep in touch. I think I jumped on the Twitter bandwagon in 2008 & I joined Instagram a few year later when I finally got an iPhone. 

I have to say that I absolutely love Instagram. I love the communities & challenges I’ve been exposed to because of it & I love following friends & making new ones. It’s fun catching a glimpse into people’s lives & I enjoy capturing little moments of mine that I might otherwise overlook. I enjoy Twitter for the same reasons, in addition to being able to follow news & other forums. 
I do think it can be a double-edged sword though. I’ve found myself opening Instagram without even realizing I’m doing it. I usually try to take a break & put my phone away when that happens, but it’s remarkably easy to get caught up. N & I have had a few spats over our phone usage. I don’t like when he plays games on his all the time & he doesn’t always like when I’m on Instagram. In that regard, it doesn’t add to my relationship. 
I think in a lot of other ways it can add to relationships though. I’ve inspired and been inspired by fitness friends & challenges, found great new recipes, & kept up with relationships I may not have otherwise. I don’t use Facebook much anymore aside from posting photos, blog posts, or creating events, but I do find it really useful for those purposes, as well as for keeping in touch with friends overseas. It keeps things organized & I like that aspect of it. 
Going forward, I’d like to get better at putting my phone away & shutting off social media from time to time. I’d also like to learn to be more effective when I do use it. I think it can be a great tool when used properly & in moderation. (Ha! Everything in moderation, right?
This post is in response to Danielle’s prompt on her blog, Sometimes Sweet. Find the rest of my responses in this series here

March In Instagram

This month’s Instagram Recap was this close to being only food pictures. It was a good month for eating, guys. A very good month. Between Big Taste, birthdays, ski trips, & dinner dates, we got fat & happy in March. I decided to throw in a few non-food photos though since not everyone is as into shoving food in their face as I am (Blasphemy! FYI – we could never be friends).

Now that April is here though (& everyone keeps reminding me I’m getting married in less than 5 months), I should probably think about eating better. Maybe. I probably won’t, but it’s a nice thought.

Anyway, here’s what we got up to in March according to my Instagram.

1. We weren’t able to ski for N’s work trip (boo broken ankle!), but we did enjoy some time in Banff. Love this little town.
2. If you’ve never experienced Big Taste YYC, you really need to check it out. Restaurants all around town put on set menus for $15 – $25. Duck Fat fried Brussels Sprouts were just one tasty piece of our week. Check it out next March!
3. I’ve registered for the 50th Annual Calgary (Half) Marathon! Got some new shoes & started my training runs. Let’s do this!
4. N’s brother came to town so we had brunch at noTABle again. It was incredible again. That steak. Those hash browns. I’ll go there anytime!
5. Drinks with the future SIL for St Paddy’s Day. N’s brother was in town, working at the Earl’s Tin Palace for the re-opening, so we hung out there for a bit.
6. We headed out to BC to ski Panorama for the weekend. This mountain has one of my favourite views from the summit.
7. This was taken last week. Yes, you read that right. As in the end of March. Thanks, yyc.
8. We tried a new pizza place with a couple friends. Our first time trying Chicago Deep Dish & that is too much pizza for this girl. My california style was delicious though, as were the meatballs. They’ve got some kinks to work out with the service, but the food is delicious!
9. I haven’t been practicing my handstands as much this month, but I think I’ve gained some strength doing the open. It doesn’t look like much, but that there is handstand push-up progress, people!

Journal Day \ six

Everyone has different things that keep them going. Sometimes it’s the people around us, other times it might be what’s waiting for us on the other side of hard work. Whatever it may be, there’s usually some sort of motivation to get up every day, get things done, or maybe even go the extra mile. With that said, what would you say is your biggest motivation in life? Has it always been this way? 

Photo by @wanderingseth

I read this prompt on Sunday & have been thinking about it since. I knew that many people would post that their children are their biggest motivation, but I know this isn’t the case for me. We’re not there yet. I hope that someday it will be my biggest motivation, but that’s not what either of us wants right now.

I think everyone goes through a phase in life where they’re a little bit selfish. Every year, I find I’m less so, but my life is still primarily about me. What I want, who I want to be, what I want to do. It’s evolved from those angsty teenager days of true selfishness & it will continue to evolve as I add more pieces to my puzzle. One of the more recent additions has been N. 
This guy motivates me in many ways. He’s my example of patience & the calm to my storm. He reminds me not to make a mountain out of a molehill (although I often still do). He’s the easygoing, optimistic one, & this inspires me to look at things from his perspective. Think before you speak, you know? 
Another big motivator was born of Fitness Friday. These Friday workouts started over a year ago & I honestly never expected much to come of them. I honestly kind of figured it would remain the couple of us in Solutions, being goofs at the end of the week. Somehow, it took off though & when I don’t feel like writing up a workout, these people that show up every week motivate me to do so. It’s for them that I keep doing this & because of them that I look forward to Fridays for a reason other than the weekend. 
My biggest motivation in life is myself though. I’m happiest when I feel strong, healthy, and successful. There are so many things that contribute to these feelings – eating healthy, spending time with family & friends, working out, finishing a project at work, having people enjoy something I’ve written…so. many. things. I guess in a way that means that what’s waiting for me on the other side of hard work motivates me as well. I think that’s a big reason why I love CrossFit. Why I love cooking (& eating, & thinking about food, & planning travel around eating). Why I love being busy. Why I love planning. 
This is my sixth post in response to Danielle’s Journal Prompt. For the prompts & other responses, check out Danielle’s blog Sometimes Sweet. Learn more about the project here

Early Rising

Edmonton Kinsmen Center 1999
Rookie Party 2003

I’m no stranger to early morning workouts. Competitive swimming was a huge part of my life growing up & the sport is known for it’s grueling practice schedule. I resisted these morning practices for as long as possible, citing every excuse from not having a ride to too much homework. Eventually I got my licence & started driving myself to morning practices. I’d wake up around 4:15 am, eat breakfast, & head out for the day. I was often the only car on the highway as I headed down to Lindsay Park (I’ll never get used to calling it Talisman Center, guys).

We were expected to be on the pool deck by 5:15 to warm up before jumping in the water. Practice started at 5:30 sharp & none of our coaches were very understanding if we weren’t in the water by then.After practice, we’d do weights before getting ready for the day at school. At 4:30 pm, we’d be back on the poll deck for round 2.

Dinos 2003
We did this every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday unless we had a swim meet that weekend. I’m still impressed with myself for making those practices, but sometimes I’m ever more impressed with my coaches for making them. Jumping into a pool has a way of really waking you up quite quickly. Watching kids swim back & forth in a pool for a couple hours doesn’t have quite the same effect.   

It’s no surprise that I didn’t have too much of an issue with opening shifts at the Y or Starbucks once I left the competitive swimming world. 5 am wakeups are a walk in the park when you compare it to my former swimming schedule. I took a lot of open shifts at both of those jobs. I still prefer working early to staying late.

This morning I relived a bit of that crazy competitive swimming life. We’re heading out to Panorama this weekend with some friends, so I won’t have the opportunity to do the )pen workout tonight or Sunday morning. They run a 6 am class throughout the week so I hauled myself out of bed at 5:15 am this morning to complete this week’s workout (14.4).

Richmond, BC 2003
Richmond 2003

Honestly, I was dreading getting up at that hour. Surprisingly, when the time came I didn’t even have to hit snooze (N would probably tell you I’m a slave to that snooze button). The only downside to weekday morning CrossFit is that it’s pretty hard to make it back from Airdrie during rush hour.

It’s nice to get the workout out of the way right away. Now I can focus on enjoying our ski weekend. I scored 139 reps (not amazing, not terrible) &, as usual, am replaying the workout in my mind. What things I could have done differently in order to get a better score (uhh row faster, pick that med ball back up right away)? That’s the nature of competitive sports though &, if you ask me, half the fun of it.

ps. I hope you’ve enjoyed these hilarious old swimming photos. Nothing says beautiful like goggle marks & dry skin.

Journal Day \ five

We all encounter challenges on a daily basis. You may consider yours something small, like having enough time in the day to accomplish everything you set out to do, or it may be a bit bigger- perhaps something you have to overcome mentally or emotionally, or even a struggle when dealing with a difficult person. Whatever the case, take a look at your daily life- what would you say is your biggest challenge? Or if you have a past struggle you were able to overcome, how did you do it? This week, write about a challenge you currently deal with on a day to day basis, or discuss one you managed to get past.

I find this question a difficult one to answer. Are there people I find challenging to deal with? Yes, of course, there are. I’m not always an overly patient person so this is definitely something I struggle with regularly. I also tend to let go of that type of thing very quickly though. In the moment, I express my frustration, but it usually doesn’t carry over into my day to day. (The only person I see literally every day is N anyways. We tend to get along most of the time.)

I’d definitely say I sometimes struggle to accomplish everything I’ve set out to do for the day too. For the most part though, I’m fairly successful in my endeavours. Every once in a while I’ll overload my expectations, but I wouldn’t say this is a huge challenge for me.

I’m hesitant to write about a past challenge as I think it’s easy to fall into a cliché & I don’t want this to be that kind of post. Let’s say in the present, shall we?

As a twenty-something, I think I struggle most with whether or not I’m choosing the right path. I’ve graduated University & have been working for a few years now, but am I working towards the things that I want or or am I just working? Am I taking steps to unlock the doors I want opened? Or am I sitting back & letting things fall into place? These are hard questions to answer, but I think at some point we all stumble across them. 
When I say the right path, I’m talking career-wise. As a couple, we have goals for ourselves. Things like owning a house in the inner city, taking the time to travel together while we’re young (especially, but not exclusively), & enjoying wonderful meals together. 
There are two reasons to work towards the right career. The first one is for our own happiness – to feel a sense of accomplishment & joy around work. You spend at least eight hours a day doing it so hopefully you enjoy it to some extent. That’s the dream anyway, right? The second reason is to have the ability to achieve our personal goals. & that’s the big one. Life isn’t all about work, so I hope everyone has some goals outside of it. 
I think this challenge is an important one to think about, but a difficult one to overcome. As someone who always strives to improve, sometimes I struggle to look back on my decision without criticism. 
This post took a different turn than I was expecting, but that’s what I’m enjoying about this Journal Day. I’ve been tempted to censor some of these entries for fear of how someone may react to my thoughts, but I’m glad I haven’t yet & hope to continue with this. 
If you want to check out Danielle’s post this week or follow along with the prompts, check out her blog, Sometimes Sweet


It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these. Let’s get caught up here, okay! 

Wild. I finished Game of Thrones. Finally. I liked the story & the writing is good, but I don’t think I’ll continue with the series. I’m up to date on the Television series so it makes it much harder to get into the books. Fail, on my part. Wild though. I love Wild so far. Now this is my kind of story. I look forward to reading a little bit every night at bedtime. 

How I Met Your Mother. I’m not a huge TV watcher & we haven’t been home a lot in the evenings. I tend to spend my time cooking, working out, or seeing friends & family which is definitely fine with me. I’ve been finding I need a night at home once a week though, especially when the weekend has been particularly busy.  I like having a show that both N & I enjoy to curl up on the couch together with. I’m not sure what we’ll do once it’s over. Maybe I’ll finally convince him to watch a little more Anthony Bourdain with me. 

I’ve been making a lot of plans lately. We usually slow down in the winter, but with all this wedding planning, I feel like things have been busy. I’ve also been making time for runs and workouts. I’m running the Scotiabank Calgary Half Marathon in June so training has officially begun. 

Scattered. I really feel all over the place lately. I’ve heard comments that after your wedding it can be hard getting back to normal. You’re so used to this whole piece of your brain being dedicated to planning this event, & once it’s over, you’re left wondering what to do with yourself. I can definitely understand that. I often find my thoughts wandering to random details I need to figure out. It’s fun, but a little bit scattered too. 

All these plans we’re making. On top of the wedding, we’ve got this great honeymoon planned and I just can’t wait. Fun bachelorette ideas are floating around, we’re going to do a wedding shower, and then there’s the regular fun that comes with spring and summer. I can’t wait.  

That time passes so quickly as we get older. I’m serious. What happened to 2013? Just like that, it’s gone & we’re well on our way to 2014. I lose track of time so much easier now and suddenly another month will have passed. I’m running my fifth half marathon in 3 months. The last year of my 20s begins in 4 months. I’m getting married in 5 months. Whoa Lansi. 

Steak. We’ve been talking about grass-fed beef today with friends & it’s got me thinking about the delicious steaks we ate our way through. I’m sad they’re gone; I could go for one tonight. 

With mornings. I’m not tired throughout the day, but I’ve been having a tough time getting myself out of bed. You’d think it’d be easier with the days getting longer, but it hasn’t. This weekend was busy so I’m attributing it to that. I need a good couple late mornings to set things right.  

A yellow skirt and chambray top without any tights. That’s right, bare legs. It’s glorious & I really don’t want to go back to tights when it inevitably cools off again here.

Catching up 
With friends & family. N’s brother has been in town so we’ve seen him a few times & I’ve been making time for dates with other friends I don’t see often enough. 

Journal Day \ four

If you had unlimited resources, what political or social issue, or area of scientific or medical exploration would you fund? Do you have a cause that is dear and near to your heart that you’d put your time, energy, and money into if you had the means? Tell us about it, along with a bit of background explaining where you’re coming from.

3haus Photographics

When I first read this prompt, I thought for sure I’d find a social issue to write about. That seems very me for some reason. I’ve always gravitated towards the arts side of things so science and medicine aren’t something that naturally jump out at me. I was never bad at science. Really, I was never bad at school. Most subjects came fairly easily to me so even though I regularly say I’m bad at math, that’s not entirely true. I’m disinterested in math. I didn’t excel at the subject because I decided I didn’t want to.

But this post isn’t about whether or not I was good at science or math or even english. This post is about something I hold very near and dear to my heart: health. In a world where we are, literally, surrounded by illness, it’s easy to see how important health is to happiness. If you don’t have your health, things can get pretty grim, pretty quickly.

I read a lot of research on the subject & find it very interesting. It also really bothers me that there seems to be so little being done to treat the cause behind an illness. Sure, we have lots of treatments for the symptoms, but I can’t help but think how great it would be if we could treat the root cause.

I personally believe that what we put into our bodies directly influences what we get out of them. & not just in terms of energy & competition. Proper fuel in sport & fitness does tend to generate more favourable results, however, I think there’s more to it than that. That may be slightly controversial, but I really believe it’s worth looking into. It makes sense to me that what we put in our bodies could be having an effect on some of the illnesses we’re seeing. & I think that’s worth exploring.

So if I had unlimited resources, I would dedicate them to that research. It’s currently not feasible to do these types of studies involving food since the necessary funding for such a thing would be huge. There are so many things you can’t control as well. It would definitely be a huge undertaking, but one that I think is worthwhile. I know I’ve personally benefitted from changing the things I eat & thinking about what I put in my body so I think having a better understanding of what’s truly happening could be a step in the right direction.

While there is a lot of information out there on the subject, there aren’t a lot of studies out there. I think the medical community would be more accepting of diet as a form of treatment if there were.

It’s hard to choose just one issue, of course, but this one is a big one for me. Having seen huge changes in people I know from changing their diet (& in myself as well), it’s hard knowing that it’s still not widely accepted in the medical world.

You can check out Danielle’s response over on her blog & find the links to many other posts in the comments.

The CrossFit Open 2014

I’ve been doing CrossFit for a couple years now, mostly on my own, but I’ve also at a couple boxes around the city too. I was never able to find the money to fully commit to a gym though, so I only did a few workouts a week & mostly chose ones I was comfortable with. It’s hard to improve much when you’re only doing workouts you’re comfortable with.

In January of last year, a friend of mine gifted me a 6 month pass to a box in Airdrie & I fell hard for CrossFit. I registered for the open, surprising myself with my performance on every single WOD. I was hooked. The excitement of seeing my improvement in a measurable way reminded me of competitive swimming in a lot of ways. (I blogged about hereherehere…You get the point. I had become one of those people.) 
Unfortunately, the gym I was at closed before that six-month membership was up & I was left at a bit of a loss. I’d made some big goals for the next year, but still couldn’t make a membership work. I’d hoped things would come together for me in the fall & I’d still reach some of my goals by the time this year’s Open rolled around. 
In the meantime, I signed up for a weekly CrossFit in the Park class & would drop in at another gym from time to time. N & I were also in the process of training for our half marathon, so I was feeling pretty good about my fitness. 
Fall came & I took a shift at the YMCA so I could use their gym facilities. As the fall wore on, it seemed like those goals I’d made after last year’s Open were slipping further away. 
I realize there are lots of people who make CrossFit work for them without going to a box & I definitely believe that. It’s not that I wasn’t still doing those style of workouts either. I just felt more limited since I was always waiting for equipment or showing up with a couple different workout options in mind for the day. I’m still working at the Y twice a month now, but haven’t found a way to get back into CrossFit on a more frequent & permanent basis. 
I decided to do the Open anyway. I’m not in anywhere near the shape I was in at this time last year, but I signed up about a month ago. I’m trying to keep the fact that I haven’t been doing CrossFit in the same capacity in mind every time I do a WOD & don’t perform at the level I know I’m capable of. I’m a pretty competitive person though so that’s been a bit of a challenge. 
The Open is one of the most inspiring & motivating events I’ve ever participated in though. I’m working out in a gym where most people don’t know me & somehow I walk in feeling like I’m part of something great. Everyone is supportive & encouraging &, most of all, proud of me even when I’m feeling discouraged by my performance. 
Whether you disagree with the principles of CrossFit or are a die hard fan, there’s something to be said for this incredible community. With every single heat, you hear cheering from every corner of the gym. Everyone’s got your back, whether you’ve been there for years or it’s your first few months, whether you’re in peak fitness or coming back after a break. I can’t compare it to any other sport I’ve been a part of.

I’m not going to lie; it’s not easy seeing the people you were at the same level as doing so much better than you this year. (That’s also not to say I’m not happy for them!)But while I am having a hard time when I find myself unable to do the WODs at the level I was able to last year, I’m also happy to be back in the gym, happy to be getting stronger again, & happy I decided to participate. 

If you have the opportunity to check out an Open workout, I highly recommend it. I know it seems intimidating, but it’s honestly one of the most welcoming communities out there. 

Journal Day \ three

They say hindsight is 20/20, and with good reason- looking back at something always gives us a better view. We’re often able to really see how our choices and decisions then shaped our today, and examine what we would have done differently given the chance. When looking back though, we often look way back, but for this exercise stay a little closer to present time and look back just 12 months. If you could go back just one year, what would you tell yourself? What advice would you offer about everything you’ve experienced?

This past year has felt like a big one. I’ve echoed this statement so often on this blog that I’m second guessing myself now as I say it, thinking everyone’s tired of hearing about this year. Here I am, believing wholeheartedly in the truth behind it, though.

Guys, this year.

You know the big events that took place this year in my life so I won’t list them here for you now. There have been many great moments & I’m so very grateful for every single one of them. If I could go back just one year, the advice I would give myself would be to hang on. Hang on, girl – they’ll be gone before you know it. 
I’d also tell myself to let go. Let go of the sadness. Don’t let the heaviness drag you down. Take N’s advice – pick yourself up & brush it off. (In a way, that actually fits in well with my New Years resolution to choose happiness too.) Stop dwelling on the things you can’t change. I think that one will always be a work in progress. 
Even this wedding planning process is flying by, just as I was warned it would. I didn’t realize how quickly it would all happen though. It seems like just yesterday I was calling venues & looking up all the information I could get my hands on about Kelowna Weddings. We’re well into the planning process now & summer is quickly approaching. What is it about aging that seems to speed up time? Remember when a two minute time-out felt like an eternity? Sometimes I feel like I’m bouncing from weekend to weekend, barely noticing the days in between. (Somehow not while I’m physically at my desk though. Funny how that works.)
There’s nothing I would change about this past year – I’m so so fortunate in this life. The only real thing I would change is how I looked at each situation, how I dealt with it, & how I choose to remember it. 
& isn’t that the way it should be? You can’t always control the things that happen, but you can control how you react to them. 
Check out Danielle’s response to this prompt over on her blog, Sometimes Sweet

February In Instagram

Sometimes I’m really on the ball with these Instagram recaps, but more often than not they come a few days after the start of the month. Despite posting more than ever (Ten times in this short little month), this recap is coming a few days late. Busy beavers, we are over here. & it’s cold. My motivation goes down the tube when it drops below negative 25 celsius. Here’s what we got up to this month according to my Instragram account. 

1. Our friends hosted a potluck to watch the SuperBowl. I don’t like football, but I do love getting together with my friends for a potluck. It was delicious as always.
2. I’ve been working at the Bow Building a lot lately. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of this incredible view of the city.
3. Cafe Gravity is not only a great coffee shop, but they also serve wine, craft beers, & delicious food. I’ve been stopping by with various friends or my mother frequently this month. I’d forgotten about it, but now that I’ve rediscovered this gem, I can’t seem to get enough.
4. The perfect Valentines gift is a meal out with N. We celebrated a day early this year with a lovely dinner at Yellow Door Bistro. That’s a lovely foie gras and rabbitte terrine. Yum!
5. We can’t drive through Canmore without stopping at La Belle Patate. On this particular occasion, we shared one that was bigger than my head. It was ridiculous & awesome.
6. We spent the Family Day Long Weekend with my parents at the lake, celebrating dad’s birthday & tasting this delicious Cipes Brut Sparkling Rose.
7. My dancing partner has been out of commission of late. Luckily his friends are willing to step in for now.
8. We woke up at 4:15 am to watch Team Canada win the Gold Medal in Men’s Hockey. There was Beer. There were tots. & there was this moment of pure joy.
9. The CrossFit Open is back. & I’m participating. The first WOD was Friday night so I headed out to Airdrie to complete it.

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