It’s been ages since I’ve done one of these! I’m still rocking the slowest computer out there, so even just pulling photos off my phone is a massive chore. I will eventually fix the situation, but for now I’m telling myself it forces me to take better pictures since there’s no hope of me doing any actual editing to my photos on it. I managed to finally pull all my 2016 photos off my phone & put them on an external drive though, which is huge progress! Now I can take more videos of Odin, which we all know is the real reason anyone even reads this blog. Here’s what we got up to in January (there are surprisingly few Odin photos):
1. Kicking off the new year with a nice closeup of my favourite guy. He loves the snow & the cold doesn’t seem to bother him to much.
2. We hosted my lovely sister-in-law’s 23rd birthday. Her friends brought a great assortment of food, we set up beer pong in the basement, & we ended the night in the hot tub (it was actually more like morning. Oops!). Happy Birthday, Sar!
3. November Project was COLD this month. I had frosty eyelashes more often than not, as we were in a deep freeze for a lot of this month.
4. I’ve been making some serious progress on my handstands. I can hold them consistently longer all the time, turn in a full circle, & am getting better at straddle to handstand all the time. It’s so fun seeing this progress!
5. H & I treated D to lunch at Bridgette Bar for her birthday. This beet & watercress salad is the bomb. Eat it.
6. I pass the Calgary tower most mornings if I get a ride in with N & I still always find it beautiful. She might not be very tall, but she’s certainly an icon.
7. Pastrami fried rice makes for an amazing weeknight dinner. I’ve yet to be disappointed by a Bon Appetit recipe.
8. The Positivity Award is given out at NP every few weeks for bringing the tribe to a new level & being an awesome person to work out near. I was pretty honoured to receive it in January – the November Project YYC tribe has been such an incredible addition to my life. I definitely drank the koolaid, & encourage you to do so as well.
9. Unfortunately, my knees are unhappy with me, so I’ve been going to physio & staying away from stairs & running. Instead, I get to do this super fun exercise – leg raises with a tens! It’s incredibly boring, but I’m making progress & the swelling is almost gone. I can’t wait to get back to my regular workouts.
So, that’s it for January! What did you get up to last month? Any exciting plans for February?